Co-Opera Announcement

Dear Co-Opera Supporters

It is with great enthusiasm and pleasure we announce the appointments of Brian Chatterton as Interim Artistic Director and Libby Ellis as Interim Chair onto the Co-Opera Board.

Following the unexpected resignation of the artistic director, Stephanie Acraman, in early December last year, we have decided to take some time to explore possible future directions for Co-Opera, leading to the most appropriate candidates for permanent replacements for these positions.

We thank Stephanie for her two year directorship of wonderful and successful performances such as Gianni Schicchi and The Elixir of Love, her touring programs in SA and interstate, and various shows and workshops, and wish her well in her next endeavours.

Our current board members include Debra Arnold (Treasurer), Penny Bowen, Jemimah Lanyon and Tim Neill. Penelope Cashman resigned from the board for personal reasons early December. Penny Bowen, announced her resignation as chair, but will stay on during this transitional period. Our Treasurer, Tim Neill, resigned his position in December and Debra Arnold was appointed as his replacement effective January 2024. Tim will stay on the board during this transition as well.

Our board would like to appoint some new members interested in the pursuit of our two current core goals, namely, providing performance opportunities for emerging opera singers and, taking opera performance to remote communities.

Our current financial position is flat but stable. We have recently lost all of our private funding and corporate support for our touring projects which, due to COVID, are no longer easily produced or sustainable.

Our focus for the future still includes fostering  our emerging artists programs, which are vital for South Australia, and must continue if we wish to keep opera talent here in this state.

As you no doubt know, once a student graduates from the Elder Conservatorium they need performance opportunities and a significant  amount of experience before they can be considered eligible for roles at a state opera level. This is what we provide.

At Co-Opera we also provide opportunities for artists who have followed untraditional paths into operatic singing. We take pride in being able to provide opportunities to artists from all walks of life at the stage they are at. 

This is what we provide.

This is where Co-Opera shines.

Now more than ever before, we need donors and financial support to be able to continue this vital tradition.

Federal and State grants are increasingly difficult and almost impossible to obtain as their artistic focus rarely covers traditional opera performance.

Without your support we cannot give these wonderfully talented artists an opportunity to move forward and explore their passion and craft.

You can donate to Co-opera at the details below.

Co-Opera Public Fund

BSB  105-022

Acc    040 376 040

During 2024 we hope to produce some outstanding performances and we will let you know about them as soon as possible.

Please help us to continue our passion.

Penny Bowen – Outgoing Chair Co-Opera